Tuesday, September 7, 2010


So a couple of days ago I was just perusing Blogspot, and I come across this link entitled "Blogs of note." I have to admit, I'm only judging by one of those "blogs of note," so this blog probably isn't being fair, but . . . what the heck????

From what I read of that blog of note, I am writing my blog all wrong. Silly me! To have a blog of note, I think I am understanding that there are several requisites I haven't been meeting. One of the most important is to write in the vernacular of a "Valley girl." Yeah, that's right--like, you know, like totally awesome, I KNO-OW! Hmm... Another requisite is to pepper my blog with vulgarity and profanity, and I've been completely missing the boat there too. Then, I should be telling a story, and in that story I should make myself look like a complete blithering idiot. And if not me, then everyone else in the story.

I guess I'm just doing this all wrong. I mean, like, don't you get the !@#$%^&* idea? Okay. Maybe that's just not my style. I guess I'd better stick with my own way of blogging and forget trying to write a "blog of note." I'll just never be in the "Blogspot Hall of Fame."

1 comment:

  1. ROTFLOL! You are hilarious! Who cares if you make it in the Blogspot Hall of Fame? Not I, I just don't see you talking valley girl talk or using a filthy mouth. Who says you have to sway yourself to the vernacular promoted by blogspot? You have already made it to the top in my book and that is all that matters to me. That is what makes you a unique individual my friend, and not a clone!:)
